Condoms should be used on any conceivable occasion.



The SU now provides Chlamidya tests ASWELL as free condoms….

*we do not do the test for you or give you the results*

Let me explain…
The Condoms are available at the SU reception just like the Chlamidya tests. You simply come to the reception, take a little baggy (or 2), sign your name and off you go!
This is exactly how the Chlamidya Kits work.

Come up to the reception, take a sealed kit, follow the instructions reseal it and DONE. Plop it in the letterbox (several are located on campus) and wait for your result!

This is a huge step forward for students at Edge Hill ’cause I’m sure we all know how annoying it is that Hants Lane is only open on a Monday.
It’s one baby step in the right direction!

Just for a bit of fun… take this buzzfeed quiz…
How much do you REALLY know?

Welfairy predicts ‘The End is Nigh’.

*bites into whole Easter egg*

Every Student Ever, 2016

It’s that time of year. Assignment deadlines and the looming grey of ‘Exam Time’ lingers on the horizon. And your only response is…

Blog 3
Yeah. Me too, hun.

So before/whilst y’all are off eating chocolate and crying (maybe there’s wine in there, maybe not) have a gander at my top 6 tips to survival in the last term (there would have been 10 but i didn’t want to repeat myself. 6 is enough. Like 6 slices of a pizza.)*

*I will talk about life after uni in another blog- another 'HA. Don't' topic, I know

1) A Healthy Diet…

Blog 8

I don’t want to be ‘that  person’ but it’s super important. The occasional lapse of sanity can lead to entire Easter eggs being eaten and THAT amazingly delicious pizza chain being ordered but to survive- y’all need some vegetables. Fruit is good too. Put a punnet of grapes next to you for snackage. Also, Drink lots of water, especially if you’re staring at a PC for AAAAAGES cause your eyes are just going to turn into shrivelled balls of sadness otherwise*
*not scientifically proven.

Cherries are good for calming the nervous system.
Grapes relax your blood vessels.
Oranges help maintain good skin and vision.
& Bananas give you energy. They also look funny so that’s just a bonus.

2) Time out.

Blog 9

Whether it’s napping, a long walk or lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling. Just give your lovely brain a break. I researched this and one website said “The best way to study is to focus for between 40 and 90 minutes, then take a 10 minute break” (Study Tips,2016). I however this this is the worst idea ever. BUT everybody works differently. Also, don’t give up the things that you normally do, keep up your hobbies! Just make sure you’re giving yourself enough time to chill.

3) Exercise.

Blog 11

Somehow, sat in a chair/lying in bed studying can completely exhaust you in the same way going for a cheeky job does. But you neeeeed to keep your bod moving so that you don’t turn into a slug. Whether its a gym sesh, a wander down the road or a mad 5 minute dance to obnoxiously loud music. Just make your body move.
Yoga is apparently DA BOMB. The breathing techniques which Yoga gives you is greaaaaat for calming down.

4) Conversation

Blog 1

Sitting in a dark room wrapped in blankets with only a single light so you can read is totally fine, but not alllll the time. Give yourself and break, go see your friends and talk about something OTHER than how much you want to feed your essay to sharks. Bitching and moaning is definitely okay too though.
Most importantly, if you are really struggling, talk to your lecturer or Personal Tutor. They are actual human beings not just lecture giving robots, they’re there for you! Although, word to the wise- don’t go sending any drunk emails it could lead to some Awky mo mo’s. Okay, glad we’ve established that.

5) Relaxin’

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If you have a bath. Great. Have one. Like now. If not, long showers are good. And if you’re not a bath or shower kinda person that’s okay (please remember to wash) then here’s my suggestion. Get yourself on youtube and watch/listen to some ASMR videos. My lovely pal reccommended this to me and it’s meant to be sensational. ASMR stand for ‘Autonomous sensory meridian response’ which is basically…

“…a euphoric experience characterized by a static-like tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine, precipitating relaxation.”

-(Wikipedia, 2016)

oh my god, please. I have always wanted to reference wikipedia. How funny. Sozzin’ lecturers. AHAH.

The videos have sounds in them which trigger this reaction and it can be really useful for chillin’. Give it a go. Dare ya.
Something which I have been looking into is smells, particularly secnted candles, and how that can help. I got myself a little wax burner and a bag of tealight from B & M and then googled some aromatherapy!

Rosemary stimulates the brain. It can improve mental performance.
Peppermint oils are known to relieve mental fatigue. They also enhance alertness and memory.
Lemon has been known to enhance mental clarity. Plus, it can reduce stress and depression.
Eucalyptus oil is most commonly used to open the sinuses and bronchial passages. It is also used to relieve headaches and mental fatigue.
Lavender is one of the most widely used aromatherapy scents. It is uplifting and relaxing.
Jasmine is used to fight stress and anxiety. It is also an antidepressant.
Thyme may help improve memory. It can boost concentration too. Thyme has also been know to relax the nervous system.
Sandalwood is often used to calm the nerves. It induces relaxation. It has very spiritually warming properties.

Peppermint is my personal fave as it smells sort of like Olbas oil.. just so you know…

6) Self Confidence

Blog 14

You’re only human and assignments are HARD.  Even if you’ve only got 1000 words to do and your mate has 4000, don’t feel bad for moaning about it. It’s still tough. But the key thing is to have confidence in yourself and your work, you’ve got yourself this far- YOU CAN DO IIIIIIIT.


So put down that Easter Egg and get cracking.

You’ve got this.

Welfairy, out.


P.s- Many thanks to all who gave idea on FaceyB!

Codie Austin
Linda Marsden
Tommy Smith
Drew Wilson Fyall
Tom Queen
Grace Harvey
Ruby-Jessica Smith
Alex Prestage
Daniella Taylor
Glenn McDonnell
Elliot Hughes
Jessica Whalley
Graeme Robinson
Rachel Love
Vicky Harrison




So, this week the lovely Brad (Student Advisor in the magical ARC) and I went to the land of Leeds to take part in training that the wonderful Unipol provided.

This was a jam packed 2 days telling us all about what we can do as Student Unions in regards to this terrifying issue. Throughout the year we’re hoping to support you with all your housing needs whether that’s time out from your drunken flatmates to advice about landlords and how to view a house. We’re here to heeeelp you and we’ve learned how to do this. We also learned how to tackle things in a lawyer, ooo fancy, type way.

I am just kidding, it wasn’t all that terrifying- BUT honeybooboochild,it seems that EHSU & YOU need to take action.

Lets do this thing

I know that loads of you are having a shit time in housing- and that is the nice way of putting it but haven’t you had enough?

i.e- no mum I will not bleeding ‘just pay them the £200 and be done with it’ because they are TAKING THE MICHEAL OUT OF ME.

It’s standing up for yourself with us by your side and seeing the change.
We don’t want you sleeping in a mouldy bedroom and cryyyyying out for help- we’re here to listen.

If there’s one thing that I’ll take away from unipol- apart from huge amounts of jam and that Worchester’s President REALLY doesn’t like monkeys- we need to take a stand and come to us. We will help you! I have so may ideas and am SO ready to talk about them!

Personally- I am bleeding well fed up with seeing all you lot complaining and nothing being done.


This year we’re gonna have a GOOD year in the Private housing sector.
